Types of Coffee

Black coffee is as simple as it gets with ground coffee beans steeped in hot water, served warm. If you want to be fancy, you can call black coffee by its original name, cafe noir.

Flat white is an espresso with a small amount of steamed milk and microfoam. This microfoam is made up of steamed milk which is gently infused with air.

Espresso has a higher caffeine content than coffee. It is usually used as a base for other types of coffee.

Cafe au Lait is brewed coffee mixed with steamed milk. It originated from France. Cafe au Lait literally means "Coffee with Milk" in French.

Cappuccino is a latte made with more foam than steamed milk, often with a sprinkle of cocoa powder or cinnamon on top. Sometimes you can find variations that use cream instead of milk or ones that throw in flavor shot, as well.

Latte is comprised of a shot of espresso and steamed milk with just a touch of foam. It is also the most popular coffee drink. It can be ordered plain or with a flavor shot of anything from vanilla to pumpkin spice.

Americano consists of an espresso shot diluted in hot water. It has a similar flavor to black coffee. If you're going to make it, just remember to pour the espresso first, then the hot water.

Macchiato is another espresso-based drink that has a small amount of foam on top. It’s the happy medium between a cappuccino and a doppio(2oz of espresso).

Affogato is an espresso with a scoop of ice cream. It originated from Italy. It also comes from the Italian word "affogare," or "to drown".

Caffe mocha is a chocolate espresso drink with steamed milk and foam. It is commonly served in a glass rather than a mug. Mochaccino and mochachino are the other used names for Mocha

Irish coffee is a cocktail consisting of hot coffee, Irish whiskey, and sugar, stirred, and topped with cream. It is drunk through the cream.

Galao is a hot drink from Portugal made by adding foamed milk to espresso coffee. Similar to caffè latte or café au lait, it consists of about one quarter coffee and three quarters foamed milk.